First Sessions confirmed
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Unlock Business Value with Server-Side Data


Doug Hall

Unlock Business Value with Server-Side Data


So, you’re collecting data server side, or maybe it’s next on your strategic roadmap?  Great work already!  The advantages of server-side data collection are well documented: Good for data quality, user privacy, user experience, and you’re a step closer to regulatory compliance. And then what?  Join Doug for this this exploration of business scenarios where server-side data collection unlocks potential, provides answers, and delivers competitive, commercial value. You’ll be able to take the business case to the board – and they’ll ‘get it’. Doug shares a plethora of use cases across industry verticals to incorporate into your data roadmap. 

Close the Value Gap with a Really Offensive Analytics Strategy


Neil Mason

Close the Value Gap with a Really Offensive Analytics Strategy


More data and more technology to wrangle it than ever is driving stakeholder expectations through the stratosphere. The result? A growing Value Gap. And now comes the prefiltration of AI technologies exacerbating a trying state of affairs. Neil shares his Really Offensive analytics strategy that focusses on the Last Mile of turning data into wise counsel and actionable recommendations.

Or, as ChatGPT would have it:

In a world of endless data streams, tech and numbers fuel our dreams,
Expectations soar on high, yet the Value Gap is nigh.
Stakeholders’ hopes rise like dawn, real results often lag and yawn,
Businesses yearn for data’s might, visions struggling to take flight.

To Close The Gap, adopt bold ways, focus on the Last Mile phase,
Transform insights into action, fulfill data’s true attraction.
Join Neil Mason, learn the way, lead with data, seize the day.

From Search Query to Intent with a Small Language Model

From Search Query to Intent with a Small Language Model


Juliana shows how she created a Small Language Model top determine if search queries are linked to real visitor issues or purchase objections. By applying natural language processing and textual entailment (if the meaning of one text can be inferred from another) her model can improve landing pages, product detail pages, and category pages based on the content visitors search for. Learn practical strategies to apply these insights in your workflows…almost immediately. Spoiler alert: not using commercial Large Language Models!

Generative AI Tools for Analysts

Generative AI Tools for Analysts


Generative AI offers incredible potential for marketing analytics, but it also comes with a host of challenges and considerations. Martin explores the good, the bad, and the AI of using generative models. The potential for personalization and optimization must be balanced with the risks of bias and overreliance on automation. Martin offers up real-world examples of successful and responsible generative AI campaigns and discusses strategies for navigating potential pitfalls.

Rebuilding Broken Trust – When the Data Doesn’t Cut It

Rebuilding Broken Trust – When the Data Doesn’t Cut It


Suppose your company sends a question to every member of your organization every three months: “Do you trust this person to do their job?” What if your data organization had some of the lowest scores from the rest of the business and from each other! That’s what happened to Lina, so the next survey asked for feedback on the quality and usability of their data, their visualizations, support, and – most importantly – impact. Lina shares how they built trust up again, became a critical function that everyone relies on, and most importantly, became a TEAM.

Confessions of a Digital Marketer

Confessions of a Digital Marketer


Craig started his career by analysing HTTP logfiles on the first eCommerce platforms launched by the John Lewis Partnership, over 20 years ago.  Since then, he’s built or worked with over hundreds of websites and products – looking after analytics, growth, product management, and marketing support.  Since 2012, he’s been hooked on using Qualitative Research, Quant Data and Experimentation to help companies large and small. Craig shares real examples and stories from his work, to give you some survival tips and pointers to optimise your jobs, career and happiness.

Can AI save us from the Cookiepocalypse?


Ian Thomas

Can AI save us from the Cookiepocalypse?


After many false starts and delays, it looks like third-party cookies will finally disappear at the end of 2024. This change will have a huge impact on marketers’ ability to target, measure and optimize their campaigns, but many companies are woefully ill-prepared for the coming storm. Fortunately, salvation may emerge from an unlikely quarter: AI. Ian explores how a trinity of AI techniques (deep-learning based contextual targeting, automated creative generation, and continuous optimization) can come together to save the day and protect campaign performance and insights in a post-cookie landscape.

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