Review - Agenda 2019
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Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019
8:00 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 8:00 am
9:30 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 9:30 am
AI in Marketing, a To-Do List
Speaker: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Marketing professionals and digital analysts of all stripes need a destination, a map, and expert navigation to help acclimatize to how artificial intelligence is going to impact their world. Jim Sterne has an impressive track record looking over the horizon and telling the rest of us what to expect. He wrote his first book, “World Web Marketing:” in 1995. He wrote “Web Metrics” in 2002, He wrote “Artificial Intelligence for Marketing” in 2017. This time, he explains what to expect – and what to do about it. Learn about today’s branding necessities, new tools & new rules, the augmented marketer, staying relevant, and tomorrow’s ecommerce conundrum. Come see what the world of marketing looks like when everything is a screen, all your data has been traded away for a pittance, and marketers have new tools with which to make age-old mistakes. Marketing is about to get weird. Hang on!
10:30 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:55 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 10:55 am
Care and Feeding of 50 Analysts
Speaker: Nick Wilsdon, Search Product Owner, Vodafone Group
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
How do you wrangle 50 SEO analysts who are all over the map? Different countries to be sure, but different skill sets, different constraints, and different levels of experience as well. Nick shares his learnings from five years of herding cats. Getting everybody to adopt Google Cloud, Big Query, and Data Studio in an Adobe shop is half the fun; The other half is building a community of analysts who stand ready to help each other succeed. Nick reveals what works and what to avoid.
11:40 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 11:40 am
Session Change
11:45 am
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 11:45 am
Speed Networking
Room:Premium 3
You think speed networking is fun? Bring business cards, exciting stories and your authentic self – we’ll take it all to the next level!
We’ve devised a process to get you to meet more of the people you really want to meet. You get to know each other quickly and will remember each other forever. We pack all these good relationships in just 45 minutes, so it’s worth it to be on time and bring a smile with you – we promise this commitment will be fun and expand your network.
You will leave with solid business contacts – immediate and long-term.
12:30 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:40 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 1:40 pm
Google Analytics and How to Avoid Bad Data
Speaker: Brian Clifton, International Google Analytics Expert & Best Selling Author
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
After leaving Google in 2008, Brian initially followed the customary consultancy path of helping enterprises achieve digital transformation – based on data of course. His goal was to provide smart insights and strategic advice that would significantly boost a business’s performance online. Good idea! However, says Brian, “Despite my reputation, I was constantly pushed back by senior management when it came to proposing change. They simply did not trust their data. So, I circled back and started systematically auditing Google Analytics setups in order to establish what level the data quality was at. This story brings together some of the extraordinary findings of my work, with results that are somewhat shocking. It also changed my career path.”
2:40 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 2:40 pm
Session Change
2:45 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 2:45 pm
Fireside Chat with Jim Sterne and Simo Ahava: Industry Bookends
Speakers: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association Simo Ahava, Co-founder, Simmer
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Jim Sterne founded this conference in 2002 and the Digital Analytics Association in 2004. He is often referred to as the Godfather of Digital Analytics and is always willing to help those in need of career advice and start-up guidance. Simo is a true font of knowledge about Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, and is always willing to help those in need of technical advice and common sense. He also plays the ukulele. Jim and Simo team up to answer your questions about life, the universe, and everything.
3:30 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:55 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 3:55 pm
Building Predictive Models When You Don’t Have the Right Type of Data
Speaker: Dr. Shorful Islam, Chief Data Scientist, Tribal Worldwide London
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Want to know how to build predictive models even when you do not have the ‘right’ type of data? Learn how to uncover opportunities to leverage even simple predictive models such as linear regression, to help understand what the future may look like. Case studies include: Using Polynomial regression to build a conversion rate predictive model from paid marketing activity and Multiple regression to build a simple attribution model for test drive conversions.
4:40 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 4:40 pm
Session Change
4:45 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 4:45 pm
5 Learnings from Experimentation Behind a Login
Speaker: Jorden Lentze, Product Manager,
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3 is are running more than a 1000 concurrent experiments on the guest facing website. Less known is that is also using large scale experimentation to improve the property owner side of the experience. This brings a set a different challenges and complexities. So what are the 5 unique challenges and advantages when running experiments behind a login? In this session you learn about:
– Creating new metrics for experimentation
– The tale of two hypothesis
– Using soft-stops
– How to use non-inferiority experiments to make sure you are not impacting
– What about the user? If you login everyday, do you not see all changes?
7:00 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 7:00 pm
End of First Conference Day
7:30 pm
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 7:30 pm
Dinner with Strangers

meet your fellow attendees.
See the registration desk for more information
Location: St Barts Brewery, 66 West Smithfield, London EC1A 9DY
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019
8:30 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 8:30 am
9:30 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 9:30 am
20 Years and Counting – Lessons Learned
Speaker: Adam Greco, Product Evangelist, Amplitude
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Much has changed and some things remain the same since Adam helped create the #Measure space. Adam has learned from hands-on experience as a project manager for Arthur Andersen, an iMarketing manager at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, a customer advocacy director at Omniture, a web analytics director at Salesforce, and a consultant to hundreds of companies at Analytics Demystified, Adam has seen the good and bad of digital analytics, including key mistakes. Today he shares what he has learned, so you can learn from the mistakes of others. Adam delivers the most important things he has learned including tips around making digital analytics successful, creating awesome implementations and career advice for those wanting to advance in web analytics. His industrial-strength observations are sure to make a personal difference to the work you do on a daily basis and for years to come.
10:30 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:55 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 10:55 am
From Analytics to Data Science: Many Paths, Many Destinations
Speaker: Ian Thomas, Interim/Fractional Chief Data/Analytics Officer, Yew Tree Data Consulting
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Ask almost any Digital Analyst what they want to be when they grow up, and their answer will likely involve “Data Science”. But what is a Data Scientist, really? How do you, an aspiring, experienced Digital Analyst, grow your career in that direction? Ian Thomas demystifies the discipline of Data Science and shares practical approaches you can take to become more “Data Science-y” in your day-to-day work. Desire the designation or don’t, these steps will definitely make you a more valuable analyst.
11:40 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 11:40 am
Session Change
11:45 am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 11:45 am
Lighting Round Conversation
Speaker: Roundtables will be announced soon
Room:Premium 3
We cover a lot of ground at Marketing Analytics Summit, but there may be topics you are keen to discuss. This is your chance. Jim Sterne will solicit subject matter, set the timer, and dive into a short, fast-paced, focused conversation, before tackling the next. You’re in a room full of peers with different experience and points of view which is a rarer opportunity to get help, contemplate Big Issues, or find out how others are dealing with the problems you face. This is sure to be revealing, informative, and inspirational. Past, present, and future are all on the table. What’s on your mind?
12:30 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:40 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 1:40 pm
Analyzing Analytics and Analysts to Improve Process Efficiency
Speaker: Mariia Bocheva, Attribution and Automation Specialist, Google
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Growing a team requires a lot of time, effort, and proper management tools. The pain points are common; inefficient distribution of tasks, no time to teach and coach new employees, seasoned analysts don’t have enough time for R&D or skills improvement, no idea how much time a given employee spends at which tasks… the list goes on. Mariia plots out how to improve task estimation, how to ensure that painfully learned lessons are shared with everybody, and how to balance project priorities. In other words, how to turn your analytical skills on yourself.
2:40 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 2:40 pm
Session Change
2:45 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 2:45 pm
In the Weeds with Phil Pearce
Speaker: Phil Pearce, Founder & Analytics Director, MeasureMinds
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Even if you are an Adobe shop, Phil’s 15 years of learnings about Google Analytics is astonishingly valuable. Phil delivers his top GA tips, giving away his best secrets on the things he wish he had known sooner. An entire career of enterprise level implementations have taught Phil loads of shortcuts – Expect LOTS of take-aways.
– The 10 reports to save you money, or make you money
– How to make generic dashboards actually useful! …using this simple goal trick
– How to bulk add 50 filters in 30seconds
– How to bulk add 20 custom dimensions in 10seconds
– GDPR templates & crawlers – don’t pay for one, have one for free
– and SO much more!
3:30 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:55 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 3:55 pm
Craig’s Cornucopia of Google Analytics Tips
Speaker: Craig Sullivan, CEO, Optimise Or Die
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
Over the last five years, Craig has been documenting the easiest and most powerful ways to massively increase the organisational value you get out of your Data Layer for the most transformational and lasting impact on teams and companies. Learn the best ways to improve your reporting, clean up your data, automate common and boring tasks and create simple and actionable dashboards or reports. These tips will transform how you use reports, where you go for answers and how fast you get them. This is for anyone who uses Google Analytics as part of their job – whether you’re a beginner or expert, work in marketing, tech, UX or CRO, there’s a useful tip here that will improve your insights and productivity. The slides include all the materials you’ll need to do this stuff back at the office including custom reports, templates, excel sheets, articles and further reading so you have everything you need to massively power up GA within your company.
4:40 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 4:40 pm
Session Change
4:45 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 4:45 pm
Your Digital Analytics Future is in China Today
Speaker: Arnold Ma, Founder, Qumin
Moderator: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
With a clear look over the Great Wall, Arnold reveals how analytics is a little different in China. China’s landscape is dominated by BATS (Bytedance, Alibaba, Tencent and Sina) which have very comprehensive data sets with multiple touch points from single platform eco-systems. WeChat has the equivalent of PayPal, Facebook, WhatsApp, eBay and more, and provides a gateway to true online/offline attribution from audience segmentation to hyper personalization. But these platforms are not happy to share with marketers or each other. Therefore, Chinese analysts get very innovative. As Western platforms start following the Chinese service design, Western analysts need to become more creative as well. Find out how GDPR will lead to an identity management infrastructure and how China’s analysts are already in the forefront.
5:30 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 5:30 pm
Speaker: Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
Room:Premium 3
This is where the rubber meets the road and we find out if Jim came through on his promise. Are you different? How? What will you tell your colleagues, your friends, your family when you get home?
5:45 pm
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 5:45 pm