Craig’s Cornucopia of Google Analytics Tips
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019
3:55 pm
Premium 3
Over the last five years, Craig has been documenting the easiest and most powerful ways to massively increase the organisational value you get out of your Data Layer for the most transformational and lasting impact on teams and companies. Learn the best ways to improve your reporting, clean up your data, automate common and boring tasks and create simple and actionable dashboards or reports. These tips will transform how you use reports, where you go for answers and how fast you get them. This is for anyone who uses Google Analytics as part of their job – whether you’re a beginner or expert, work in marketing, tech, UX or CRO, there’s a useful tip here that will improve your insights and productivity. The slides include all the materials you’ll need to do this stuff back at the office including custom reports, templates, excel sheets, articles and further reading so you have everything you need to massively power up GA within your company.